
Welcome to Wimborne Community Theatre
We make community theatre in unusual places, reflecting local stories, real and fictional.

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DORSET CLUBMEN - ALMOST FORGOTTEN  ACTION:   BANNERS organising: Gill & Sue; Clare & Eva; Tuppy & Pippa; Jackie & Helisha; Haydn & Sheila Share them out and give to...

Home Project Workshops – Is there really no place like home?

WCT members have started work on our next project with the theme of HOME.  Since Christmas we have been running a series of workshops exploring ideas of HOME based on...

Quiz Night on Wednesday 26 February raised over £600

We had a brilliant turnout for our annual Quiz Night on 26th February.  Over 60 people came to join in with the fun and we raised more than £600 which...

WCT begins a new theatre production on the theme of HOME

Is Home where the heart is? Is there no place like it? What does home feel like? Where is it, in your heart or under your roof?      ...

Take a short HOME survey about what makes YOU feel at home.

As part of the creative process for developing our next community theatre project on the theme of Home, we would like to hear your ideas.  And about the special things...

Opening of the Wimborne Green Festival on Saturday 12th October

On Saturday 12th October we were out on the Minster Green to perform a short piece on RIVERS after the Planet Wimborne Green Festival was officially opened by Vicki Slade...

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About Us

Wimborne Community Theatre creates original site-specific performances, set in unusual outdoor venues or non-theatre buildings. We have created more than 30 productions since 1991.

WCT members work in partnership with artists and arts or heritage organisations to develop and perform stories inspired by local places and the lives of residents, past and present, real and fictional. Over 1,000 people have been involved (aged from 6 months to 89 years), performing to audiences of several thousand. The number of core members expands with each production, depending on who gets involved, e.g. schools, colleges and community groups.