22 Feb 2025
WIMBORNE COMMUNITY THEATRE AGM WEDNESDAY 18th APRIL 2012 AT 39 NEW BOROUGH, WIMBORNE CHAIR’S REPORT Review of WCT activities in 2011 This report covers activities between October 2010 and September 2011. This has been a most successful year for WCT as we staged The Great Rinsing and received extremely positive evaluation. We are grateful that Semcorp continued to support us in using the old waterworks in Wimborne as the base for this major production. Activities related to the Pump House project included:
- A WCT workshop based on stories led by Jonathan Petherbridge on October 31st 2010, which explored themes that were included in the final production.
- An imaging workshop led by Pip Nash on November 21st 2010, using a range of materials and artefacts, and which was open to the general public.
- An Ideas Group meeting on December 12th 2010 to begin to draw together the ideas of the professional artists.
- An enjoyable Christmas party on December 17th which raised some funding. Thanks are due to Tony and Gill for hosting this.
- A meeting of the Story Group on January 15th 2011 to develop the storyline.
- A Scenography Workshop led by Jonathan Petherbridge on January 22nd 2011.
- Weekly rehearsals for The Great Rinsing on Thursdays and some weekends, increasingly as the production moved forward.
- A Show of Work event where all the participants shared their developing contributions.
- Evaluation sessions with Victoria Pirie.
- A Family workshop to create artefacts working in partnership with the Leigh Estate and Walford Mill in May.
- Live advertising of the production at the Waitrose Fete in June.
- Continued involvement with professionals in preparation for the production: Jonathan Petherbridge (artistic director), Tony Horitz (TIE, local director), Pip Nash (designer), Robert Hart and Adrian Newton (Sound), Daniel Horitz (Media/Film), Caroline Parrott (Walford Mill), Karen Wimhurst and Ollie Keen (Music), Lee Hart (Movement and choreography).
- Continued links with local schools, (Allenbourn Middle, Oakmead and QE schools), Bournemouth University design and drama students, as well as with other community groups, such as Steam Heat and Wimborne Community Dance.
- The audience reaction which was very positive
- The use of new technology and the development of our expertise and understanding.
- The partnership working with the professional artists
- The collaboration with The Arts University College at Bournemouth and the involvement of students in costume design and making, stage management and performance.
Thus 2011 has been a successful year for the group – we staged The Great Rinsing and worked with a wide range of professional artists and student groups.It was a particularly successful year in terms of branching out and using new technology. Gill Horitz has done a sterling job in promoting the group’s work and co-ordinating the production but also in the very detailed applications she has made for funding. Tuppy Hill also deserves much praise for her continued excellent support and organisation as our secretary. Jeff Hart Chair WCT 07.04.2012